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I am currently evaluating Ametys cms to use for my company. I have a couple questions that I may not have initially understood.
First the goals are to deploy this on tomcat and use DB2 as the database. I understand DB2 isn't currently a supported database for this but would like to try getting it to work with it. What would I have to go about doing to get it to work with DB2. I have modified the scripts and executed them. I add the DB2 database driver (jt400.jar) to the lib folder. I still can't seem to figure it out.
On the next question can someone explain to me some of these packages...
ametys-site - This seems to be the site that is available to the public?
ametys-cms - This seems to be the back end that powers the public site?
ametys-explorer - I have no idea.
ametys-repository - I have no idea.
Is the explorer and repo both required in order to use the cms?
Just a bunch of question I have off the top of my head before I jump deeper into this project.
To support a new DB, there a couple of stuffs to do. A contributor recently deliver us a patch to support hsql db, it has benn integrated and will be released soon.
Firstly, we need adapted script (that you already wrote)
Secondly, we need to adapt a few java classes. As we are using Jackrabbit as a main store system, the manually handled sql is really poor and easy to adapt.
By default, we are configuring jackrabbit to store in derby (a java filesystem embeded db), but you can configure it to use other db. I let you check if DB2 is supported.
If you are ready to help us to adapt theses few sql request, we would be glad to integrate it.
The steps to do so would be to create a ticket here
You can inspire from the ticket on hsql
You will find the initial patch proposed, but ff you are interested in, I will send you the list of files to adapt for a patch.
Thank you for your interest.
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
About the packages :
* ametys-site : contains the features for the front office
* ametys-cms & ametys-web : contains the features for the back-offices
* ametys-explorer : is a standalone application to handle documents, it is a dependency of ametys-web since you have this feautre in the cms
* ametys-repository : is both a dependency feature to handle JCR and a standalone JCR application to visualize it. Its is also a dependency of ametys-cms since you can use it from the admin space
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys