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#1 16/06/2013 20:36:11

Registered: 16/06/2013
Posts: 12

What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?


I am trying to install Ametys 3.5 and have questions about the databases used in Ametys 3.5. In the back office configuration page, I see 3 separate databases to fill in: Kernel, monitoring and front-office. Can somebody tell me what I should enter for each database? Please see the attachment.



Last edited by kenjoey (17/06/2013 10:32:13)


#2 17/06/2013 11:01:18

Registered: 16/06/2013
Posts: 12

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?


#3 17/06/2013 12:02:20

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 336

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Hi Ken,

We use three connections for :
- kernel : CMS users/groups/rights/... : is accessed only by the back-office
- monitoring : page cache statistics : is accessed by both back- and front-office
- front-office : site users/groups/rights/... : is accessed by both back- and front-office

We allow setting up three different databases, but in the great majority of cases, the same one is used three times, given that is is accessible by both back- and front-office application.



#4 17/06/2013 20:28:07

Registered: 16/06/2013
Posts: 12

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Hi, Cédric

Thanks for your answer. I'll use a single database for all 3 occasions. Can I just use the database scripts included in Ametys to create the database? The scripts don't seem to create tables for page cache statistics.



#5 18/06/2013 12:17:57

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 336

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

You're right, it seems that for some reason the cache monitoring scripts were not included in the 3.5 package.
I've opened  to follow this issue.
They will be included in the upcoming 3.5.1 (will be released soon due to another annoying issue).

In the meanwhile, you can get the missing scripts directly at


#6 25/06/2013 07:57:29

Registered: 16/06/2013
Posts: 12

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Thanks, Cédric

I'll use the scripts you posted in the meantime.

I have another question. I am curious about the database used for the content repository. Is it flat-file database, derby or some other database? I hope I could use MySQL for the repository, too.



#7 25/06/2013 09:52:49

Raphaël Franchet
Expert Team
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 1,119

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Yes you can! big_smile

We currently use the derby db (even in production) but if you prefer you can configure jackrabbit to use a mysql impl. The repository.xml file is in the WEB-INF/param directory. See the jackrabbit doc here to know more about this file

Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys


#8 26/06/2013 14:20:08

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 336

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

To be more precise about the storage technology, we don't actually use directly any RDBMS, but another technology called JCR (Java Content Repository) and its reference implementation, Apache Jackrabbit, which itself stores its data as blobs in any RDBMS such as MySQL.

At the end, you'll effectively store your data in a MySQL database, but yon won't be able to access each content and each field directly with SQL requests.

I hope to have been clear enough



#9 03/07/2013 12:36:02

Registered: 16/06/2013
Posts: 12

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Thanks Raphaël and Cédric

It's nice to know that I can choose which database to use for Ametys repository. I am thinking of using MySQL or HSQLDB for the repository. I'll probably have to change repository.xml.

I'm wondering if there's a way to convert the existing derby repository to MySQL.


Last edited by kenjoey (03/07/2013 23:27:44)


#10 05/07/2013 11:46:36

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 336

Re: What are kernel, monitoring and front-office database?

Ametys does not provide any particular tool for this, but Apache Jackrabbit has a builtin RepositoryCopier which can help you migrating from one DB to another.
You may have a look at
But I never tested it ...


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