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I'm creating profiles and I'm wondering if there is some guidance on suggested rights for each type of profile:
I've read the Administration documentation but haven't found this information.
Also, I've created users, and I've created groups and added users to the groups. And I've created profiles. However, I can't find where I assign groups or users to profiles... I can see the database tables for it, but I can't figure out how to do it in the ui.
Last edited by comrade (21/06/2013 17:00:10)
When you install the demo using the installer it comes with the 4 profiles you did enumerate (and the associated rights).
But this is purely indicative, and you may creates the profiles you want, with the rights you want.
You can see the rights of the demo in the online demo by going here using admin/admin, and then to "Users, groups and rights" tab: you will see on the left the profile and when you select one, you will see the associated rights on the right.
(please note, you cannot modify profiltes defined in _admin here: you can only add new profiles here - they will be local to the current site)
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
How are those profiles created? They don't exist in my download. I look in the database scripts and all they do is create the tables, not fill them.
My new install is pretty empty - no users, profiles, groups.
I'm evaluating version 3.5, but the server version running in tomcat6, not the standalone version.
I actually wouldn't mind running standalone and using mod_proxy in apache to talk to it, if that's an easier configuration.
Last edited by comrade (21/06/2013 17:18:36)
In the server version, you start with everything empty : absolute no data.
The demo version comes with a db already filled.
As the profiles suggested are really suggestions, we do not provide any script to create them : you shoud create the profiles the need. You can start by creating a "admin" profile with all the rights.
Please note that when you create a new site, you will have to affect a main user, that will receive a "TEMPORARY ADMINISTOR" profile : this profile is automatically created with all existing rights.
But you will then arrive to a completly empty website...
For an evaluation, you should consider to use the demo version as creating a worthy site is quite long
(the demo version, is the same as the server version with 'data inside' and a bit of configuration)
It is delivered with a jetty to make it run (no need to install tomcat)
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
yes. "java -jar" it and it will launch the installer.
at the end you should have a icon on your desktop, it not, just go to the installation directory and launch the start shell.
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
Pages: 1