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hello and thanks for Ametys CMS
I downloded Ametys and deployed CMS directory just like the tutorial in :
Now I can create websites and add new pages to them and use's great
for example I created sites: test1,test2,test3
what is the url address for visit this sites? how my visitors can see my test websites?
there is a publication section in riboon,should I use them and publish every pages of my websites?
and for last question , when I downloaded Ametys,there is a site directory in it,I deployed it just like the tutorial above.
but I can't understand relationship between created sites(test1,test2,test3) and that site directory.
I'm waiting for your help,thanks a lot
In Ametys the architecture is an app for back-office (called cms) and an app (or many apps) for front-office (called site).
1) when you create the site (test1...) in the cms _admin space, you type an url for this site. e.g => this url has to land to the front-office (with apache redirection if required ; e.g. site is not on the 80 port)
At first you can enter something like http://localhost:8080/site/test1
2) In the cms _admin configuration, you are required to enter the site app url (e.g. http://localhost:8080/site) and the ip adress used by this app to called the cms (for protection). e.g.
3) In the site _admin configuration, you have to enter the cms app url (e.g. http://localhost:8080/cms) => This is the url for the site app to call the cms app.
What is important to understand is 1 front-office app can handle as many site as you want ; and that you can also "balance" with many front-offices (one in DMZ and one in intranet for example)
I recommand to install the "site" app as ROOT on the tomcat so it can handle site with or without context. => If the application is installed at /site, it would be able to handle only websites starting by /site (for cookie reasons)
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
thanks dear Raphaël , you explained very well.
According to your response;if I have one site app,Can I have two sites with addresses like:,
Best Regards.
exactly and have to land on your server of course ; and then you can have an apache with 2 virtualhost redirecting to one instance of tomcat holding one app site at ROOT context
Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys
thank you very much